
Evenemang vynavigering


Eurosif Report 2021 – Launch Event

Eurosif is pleased to announce the organisation of a Launch Event for its 2021 #EurosifReport 🌱 Register here What could you expect during this Launch event ? A half-day meeting to spur fruitful debates on the sustainable finance and delve into core elements it should contain. A short presentation of the Eurosif Report. 3 panels […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on policy developments in Sustainable Finance


Eurosif is inviting you to its seventh member-only call on policy developments in the area of Sustainable Finance. In this call you can expect, in 30 minutes, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to Sustainable Finance and the different EU regulatory and legislative files. There will be the opportunity […]

Integrating Sustainability in Investment Analysis – a Swesif/MISUM project


Many investors and companies agree that sustainability can directly influence the evaluation of companies’ current and future financial performance. It has become central to understanding how ESG issues can be integrated into financial analysis. This is not just a task for financial analysts, but also for portfolio managers and investor relations officers at listed companies. […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments


Eurosif is inviting you to its eighth member-only call on policy developments in the area of Sustainable Finance. In this call you can expect, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to Sustainable Finance and the different EU regulatory and legislative files in 45 minutes. Questions are very welcome! For […]

Klimatåtaganden – Hur når vi målen?


Det finns gott om investerarinitiativ kring klimatåtagande. PAII, SBTI, NZAOA, GFANZ…. man kan lätt drunkna i alfabetssoppan! Under hösten höll Swesif i ett rundabordssamtal där några kapitalägare och -förvaltare som har gjort offentliga klimatåtaganden diskuterade sina tankar, strategier och utmaningar på området. ”Det finns inga färdiga svar men vi kan inte vänta på det. Vi […]

Swesif Tipsar: Finansiering av hållbara städer – vilken roll spelar privat kapital?


Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) och Cleantech Scandinavia lanserar i detta seminarium en ny forskningsrapport som diskuterar det privata kapitalets roll för att finansiera hållbara städer, med fokus på svenska kommuner. Mycket av omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle kommer att hamna i händerna på kommuner. Svenska kommuner har höga ambitioner […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its ninth member-only call on policy developments in the area of Sustainable Finance. In this call you can expect, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to Sustainable Finance and the different EU regulatory and legislative files in 45 minutes. Questions are very welcome! These […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its monthly sustainable finance update. Each first Thursday of the month, these webinars are live-streamed on Eurosif's YouTube channel. In this monthly livestream session, you can expect, in less than 1 hour, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to sustainable finance and the different […]

Swesifs årsstämma 2022

Danske Bank, Norrmalmstorg 1 Norrmalmstorg 1, Stockholm

Styrelsen i Swesif kallar medlemmarna till årsstämma 2022. TID OCH PLATS Datum: 23 mars 2022 Tid: kl. 15.00 – 16.00, följt av mingel 16.00-17.00 Plats: Danske Bank - Arrow plan 9, Norrmalms torg 1 DAGORDNING 1.    Stämmans öppnande 2.    Val av ordförande och sekreterare för stämman 3.    Val av en eller två protokolljusterare tillika rösträknare […]

Webinar: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) – Investors’ Role in Curbing the Silent Pandemic

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity according to WHO. Most recent estimates find that 1.27 million deaths were directly attributable to AMR and 4.95 million were associated with AMR in 2019. And this global problem is intensifying. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics in livestock production is […]