Jennie Ahrén


What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work with sustainable investments in what is classified as frontier and emerging markets (low and middle income countries) at a small asset manager - Tundra Fonder. In addition, I am involved in projects that aim to promote cooperation between academia, business, politics and the voluntary sector.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

Swesif is an important focal point for disseminating knowledge and information on how the financial sector can contribute to sustainable development. I hope to bring a global perspective from my research background and add knowledge from regions beyond Europe. Networks and collaborations are key in this context.

What does sustainability mean to me?

Long-term solutions where people, the environment and society can interact and develop to their full potential. We need to understand that sustainability is more than just the here and now.

Anette Carmelius


What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a Client Manager for institutions and distributors at Alfred Berg Sweden. My role involves communicating our sustainability initiatives to clients while also contributing to the development and refinement of our overall sustainability strategy.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

The financial industry has a major responsibility to drive sustainability issues forward. Swesif is an important player in this work, which also brings together many members. For me, it's great to be able to contribute my knowledge and experience as we continue to educate and develop the industry - a work that will certainly also contribute to my own development.

What does sustainability mean to me?

Going the extra mile in everyday life, making sustainable choices. Educating and passing on this knowledge to those around you and to future generations is important to me. In a broader perspective, it is about ensuring that economic growth and important societal functions can be developed and operated in a way that respects people and the environment. We have to take care of our amazing planet, it can't wait!

Alexandra Frenander

Board member

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a corporate analyst within Responsible Ownership at the Folksam Group. My colleagues and I are responsible for advocacy work and company dialogues with our holdings. This means that I conduct dialogues with companies on all kinds of ESG issues, which is very fun and rewarding.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

Sustainability is an incredibly important part of asset management today and collaboration with other actors gives us all greater opportunities to make a difference through sustainable investments. In addition, I also see it as a personal opportunity to network, develop and contribute with my background in human rights and children's rights.

What does sustainability mean to me?

The most important thing we can do for each other, our planet and ourselves right now. Sustainability encompasses so much, but the goal is always to create a balance where people and the environment can work together.

Cecilia Cisana

Board member

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I am responsible for Sustainalytics' client and advisory work in Europe, which means that I try to understand investors' needs and objectives around sustainability, and how sustainability analytics and data can support this work.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

The market for sustainability, both within and beyond the financial industry, has developed exponentially over the last 5-10 years, and forums like Swesif are facing a huge need for collaboration. Here, asset owners and managers can discuss sustainability issues and learn from each other, and data providers and consultants can support and evolve with the market. I am convinced that collaboration is the key to meeting our sustainability goals and through my involvement in the Swesif board I can strengthen and drive the process.

What does sustainability mean to me?

It is an issue that goes far beyond sustainable investment, and affects our quality of life, health, safety and future. It is about both planetary boundaries and respect for our fellow human beings and future generations. Capital is needed to build a more sustainable economy and society, and therefore sustainable ownership and management play an important role.

Allan Emanuelsson

Board member

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a specialist in ESG and sustainable investments at Danske Bank Asset Management where I have the privilege of working with everything from integrating sustainability issues into risk management, investment activities and active ownership to customer dialogue and regulatory compliance.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

I believe that it is ultimately beneficial both to the sustainability agenda and to us as market participants if we join forces in advancing the position of sustainable investment and making our voice heard in different contexts.

What does sustainability mean to me?

I think that the Brundtland Commission's definition of sustainability is still the benchmark, i.e. 'Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. It also means to me that all actors in society, including politicians, legislators and investors, need to think more long-term and create the conditions for the necessary transition.

Edson Fonseca

Board member

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a Sustainability Specialist for Schroders' operations in Europe. In practice, this means talking closely with our clients about their sustainability needs and how Schroders, as a global asset manager, can support them with investment solutions, research or other collaborations.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

Swesif has long been a hub for dialog and knowledge exchange in areas related to sustainable investments. Something that is clear in recent years is how the complexity of sustainability issues has constantly increased and with that, a platform like SWESIF becomes even more important so that we as an industry have a place for collaboration. I look forward to contributing to the promotion of collaboration through Swesif to drive the dialog around sustainable investment.

What does sustainability mean to me?

For me, sustainability is about awareness, respect and responsibility for the world around us. Not all value is created in the same way and it is important that we contribute to value creation that is rooted in sustainability.

Lingyi Lu

Vice Chair

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I am the Sustainability Manager at Söderberg & Partners. This role includes analysing how different financial products integrate sustainability, to support advisors in finding suitable products for organisations and private clients.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

Many Swedish actors have leading positions in sustainable investments and Swesif is an important player in driving further development. It is also about making knowledge available about what the financial market is already doing and can do to contribute to sustainability. With previous experience in communication on development issues and sustainability, I hope to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and a broader perspective on sustainability.

What does sustainability mean to me?

Sustainability is respecting nature and people - applying a broader value perspective and using resources in a way that reduces rather than increases gaps among people living today and between generations.

Per Josephson


What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a Senior Associate at Harvest Advokatbyrå, a niche firm within financial regulation. There I assist various financial institutions, mainly in the form of fund management companies, AIF managers and investment firms, with regulatory compliance and licensing issues.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

I have been involved in sustainability issues since 2016 and have followed the regulatory development since then. When I came to Harvest, I got to immerse myself even more in the sustainability regulations and thereby also got the opportunity to engage in work for Swesif with, among other things, the update of the Sustainability Profile and Swesif's entry into Eurosif. In my role on the board, I can now take more overall responsibility for the issues that Swesif works with, which feels very exciting.

What does sustainability mean to me?

For me, sustainability is about leveling the playing field. A relatively small part of the world's population has long lived in abundance at the expense of both nature and people in other parts of the world, and we need to start thinking more long-term. I believe there is enormous potential for change if we can create a playing field where economic growth becomes synonymous with sustainable growth.

Victoria Lidén

Board member

What do I do when I don't sit on Swesif's board?

I work as a sustainability analyst and corporate governance manager at Storebrand, which means that I work to develop our ESG strategies and integrate sustainability analysis into asset management, and that I am responsible for the work with active ownership.

Why am I active on the Board of Swesif?

Over the years that I have worked with sustainable investments, I have experienced that it is in the cooperation with other investors and organizations that the real change and movement takes place. There is enormous power in linking arms and collaborating on sustainability issues. That is why I want to get involved in SWESIF, as a forum where we can collaborate and together drive the important sustainability issues in the financial industry forward.

What does sustainability mean to me?

Sustainability is a broad concept, which for me includes both major societal challenges on the environmental, social and economic level, but also enormous opportunities to change and achieve sustainable development. Sustainable investment means that we understand these risks and opportunities when we make investment decisions, and that we take responsibility as owners to promote long-term sustainable development in the companies we invest in.