
Evenemang vynavigering


Swesifs årsstämma 2025

Cecil Coworking Norrlandsgatan 10, 1tr, Stockholm

Styrelsen i Swesif kallar medlemmarna till Årsstämma 2025! Det är möjligt att delta på plats eller digitalt via MS Teams. Ange gärna ditt val i registreringsformuläret. Deltagare som har anmält sig digitalt kommer att få en länk samma dag som stämman äger rum. Dagordning Stämmans öppnande Val av ordförande och sekreterare för stämman Val av […]

Seminar: Doing Business within Planetary Boundaries

Cecil Coworking Norrlandsgatan 10, 1tr, Stockholm

Welcome to a seminar where Beatrice Crona presents the report Doing Business within Planetary Boundaries. Based on a decade of transdisciplinary research, the report integrates sustainable finance, ecological economics, resilience science, and Earth system science. It offers valuable guidance to businesses, investors, and policymakers, helping them improve the reliability of their assessments of nature-related impacts, […]

Swesif tipsar: SFL Partner Day 2025

KTH Gradängsalen, Teknikringen 1, Stockholm

Welcome to Sustainable Finance Lab’s yearly Partner Day. Policymakers, companies and financial market actors are all impacted by the current geopolitical landscape marked by protectionism, heightened tensions and increased uncertainty. This is manifested in the new US Administration’s declaration to once again pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, as well as the turbulence surrounding […]

NordicSIF 2025

Moderna museet Exercisplan 4, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm., Sweden

Registration is now open for NordicSIF 2025! We look forward to welcoming our members and those from our neighboring Nordic countries for insightful discussions and collaboration. Read more about the conference and register here.