
Evenemang vynavigering


Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its monthly sustainable finance update. Each first Thursday of the month, these webinars are live-streamed on Eurosif's YouTube channel. In this monthly livestream session, you can expect, in less than 1 hour, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to sustainable finance and the different […]

Swesif Tipsar: UN PRI Initiative – Advance

The PRI is launching a new stewardship initiative where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Advance is a new stewardship initiative, where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Investors will use their collective influence with companies and other decision-makers […]

NordicSIF 2022: The Ocean

The annual NordicSIF conference will this time focus on the Ocean and will take place in Harpa in Reykjavík on the 15th and 16th of June 2022. A diverse agenda with interesting speakers and workshops will be offered as we look into the sustainability of the ocean and its resources from the perspective of investors. […]

Tips från Eurosif: 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance

Invitation to attend the 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance, organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission. This hybrid event will be taking place in Ispra, Italy on the 7th and 8th of July 2022. The agenda is not yet available, but all participants can expect to attend both academic sessions […]

Medlemsträff & mingel

KG10 Kungsgatan 8, Stockholm, Sverige

Mycket händer inom hållbara investeringar under 2022 och aktiviteten i Swesif är hög. För att Swesifs medlemmar ska få god insyn i verksamheten och möjlighet att ställa frågor kommer vi den 6 oktober att anordna en medlemsträff där styrelsens medlemmar berättar om vad som är på gång inom respektive ansvarsområde och medlemmarna får möjlighet att […]

Swesif tipsar: Misum panel: The future of impact investing

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, Sverige

OBS: Anmälan är tyvärr full. Misum utreder frågan om det är möjligt att delta digitalt. Sidan uppdateras så fort ny information kommer (uppdaterades senast 22-10-25) Join the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) for a breakfast panel conversation on the growing field of impact investing. Professor Bo Becker together with experts from the finance and […]

Swesif tipsar: Sustainable Finance in an Unstable World

Norrsken House Birger Jarlsgatan 57 C, Stockholm

Welcome to the Roundtable Welcome to Forever’s Roundtable focusing on sustainable finance in an unstable world. In this event we present the most recent research in the field and a distinguished panel of experts discuss the future of ESG in light of the recent geopolitical and economic turbulence. The event is hybrid and attendees at […]

Notes from COP27 – Moving on to a Just Transition

East Capital Kungsgatan 30, våning 14, Stockholm

Swesif and PRI are pleased to invite you to an in-person investor forum this Thursday. COP27 is now finalized and we are excited to engage in a conversation with Sweden's chief negotiator Mattias Frumerie about the conference and the agreements for the parties in general, and for Sweden in particular. We will also hear from […]

Hälsovårdsinvesteringar efter Covid-19


Covid-19-pandemin har bringat ett aldrig tidigare skådat stresstest på hälso- och sjukvården och de offentliga hälsosystemen globalt. Metod för att kontrollera och förebygga infektioner och sjukdomar har varierat mycket. Detsamma gäller länders förmåga att ta itu med de utmaningar som pandemin har medfört. De prepandemiska styrkorna och svagheterna i varje lands hälso- och sjukvård har […]

Eurosif Membership

New channel for connecting with European Sustainable Investment discussion Finsif and Swesif became new members of Eurosif in November 2022. The memberships open new channels to participate, influence and get closer to Brussels and EU, following legislation process and taking part in the discussion. Eurosif has both variety of working groups open to Finsif and […]