Swesif Tipsar

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  2. Swesif Tipsar


Evenemang vynavigering


Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its ninth member-only call on policy developments in the area of Sustainable Finance. In this call you can expect, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to Sustainable Finance and the different EU regulatory and legislative files in 45 minutes. Questions are very welcome! These […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its monthly sustainable finance update. Each first Thursday of the month, these webinars are live-streamed on Eurosif's YouTube channel. In this monthly livestream session, you can expect, in less than 1 hour, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to sustainable finance and the different […]

Swesif tipsar: Dansif on ”Ukraine/Russia: What are the consequences for investors?”

In response to Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine, investors are facing urgent questions and decisions on how to incorporate conflict, sanctions and sovereign risk into investment decision-making, risk analysis, engagement, and potential subsequent divestment. In turn, ESG providers have had to reassess research methodologies for the country and corporate risks, update and publish new corporate […]

Swesif tipsar: Sustainable Investment Forum 2022

Eurosif is pleased to announce its partnership with Climate Action and UN-PRI for the fifth edition of Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2022.  The Forum will offer both physical and digital benefits, with the 4-part event series welcoming the return of a 1-day in-person event in addition to 2 days online. Parts 1 & 2 will […]

Swesif tipsar: EU Taxonomy Implementation

Join us on 17 May, at 15.00 CET for a session providing an overview of PRI’s latest research on how investors are approaching taxonomy implementation. This webinar is aimed at practitioners involved in making EU Taxonomy disclosures. This webinar is aimed at practitioners involved in making EU taxonomy disclosures. The session will provide an overview […]

Swesif Tipsar – Finanssektorns allt större roll i klimatomställningen


Klimatpolitiska rådet visar i 2022 års granskning att dagens samlade politik inte räcker för att vi ska nå klimatmålet 2045. En av rådets övergripande rekommendationer till regeringen är att politiken bör skapa bättre förutsättningar för investeringar som bidrar till att klimatmålen nås. Att såväl offentliga som privata investeringar inriktas mot fossilfria lösningar är avgörande för […]

Swesif tipsar: Eurosif’s monthly update on Sustainable Finance Developments

Eurosif is inviting you to its monthly sustainable finance update. Each first Thursday of the month, these webinars are live-streamed on Eurosif's YouTube channel. In this monthly livestream session, you can expect, in less than 1 hour, to get an overview of recent policy and political developments of relevance to sustainable finance and the different […]

Swesif Tipsar: UN PRI Initiative – Advance

The PRI is launching a new stewardship initiative where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Advance is a new stewardship initiative, where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Investors will use their collective influence with companies and other decision-makers […]

Tips från Eurosif: 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance

Invitation to attend the 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance, organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission. This hybrid event will be taking place in Ispra, Italy on the 7th and 8th of July 2022. The agenda is not yet available, but all participants can expect to attend both academic sessions […]

Swesif tipsar: Misum panel: The future of impact investing

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, Sverige

OBS: Anmälan är tyvärr full. Misum utreder frågan om det är möjligt att delta digitalt. Sidan uppdateras så fort ny information kommer (uppdaterades senast 22-10-25) Join the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) for a breakfast panel conversation on the growing field of impact investing. Professor Bo Becker together with experts from the finance and […]