Eurosif Survey on Climate Data & Indicators

Eurosif har precis lanserat en undersökning för att samla insikter om finansiella aktörers praxis, behov och utmaningar när det gäller att analysera och integrera klimatrelaterad information i investeringsstrategier. Fokus ligger på framåtblickande indikatorer, Net Zero-mål och klimatbenchmark.

Resultaten kommer att hjälpa Eurosif att bättre representera branschens synpunkter när de besvarar konsultationer i frågan och genomför klimatrelaterade aktiviteter. Eurosif planerar också att ta fram en rapport med rekommendationer till beslutsfattare och finansaktörer.
Vi uppmanar alla Swesifs medlemmar att delta i Eurosifs undersökning för att främja kunskapen på området.



Are you a portfolio manager integrating climate considerations into your investment strategies? Are you a climate specialist or a sustainability expert working in the financial industry? We want to learn from your experience and expertise!

We invite you to participate in the Eurosif survey on climate data & indicators

The survey will be open from Tuesday, the 30th of August to Friday, the 7th of October.

What does the survey aim to achieve?

With this survey Eurosif wants to better understand which climate-related information are truly decision-useful for investors, and in particular:

  • where investors source climate-related data & indicators, and how they use them in their investment strategies;
  • how reliable are forward-looking indicators, net-zero targets, and climate benchmarks;
  • whether and how policy and regulatory measures could improve the quality and the effectiveness of climate-related data, analytics and investment tools
Why Eurosif is conducting this survey?

Eurosif wants to feed its policy positions with data-driven analyses derived from the experience and expertise of industry professionals. The results of this survey will contribute to shape Eurosif advocacy activities towards EU and international policy-makers, regulators, and reporting standard-setters.

Why you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to take part in this survey?

The scarcity of reliable data on decarbonisation targets and transition plans is often highlighted by investors as a major obstacle to set transition pathways at portfolio level. Accordingly, the interest in improving climate-related data and indicators is gaining momentum among EU and international policy-makers and regulators.

By sharing views on your practices, needs and challenges, you will have a significant opportunity to make the investors’ voice heard in the current policy and regulatory landscape. Eurosif is determined to advocate for the introduction of measures aimed at uplifting the quality and comparability of climate-related data, indicators and investment tools.

Who is in the best position to participate in the survey?

The survey ideally targets portfolio managers, climate specialists/analysts and sustainability experts working at financial institutions and regularly handling climate-related data. Respondents can potentially share the view of their company’s methodological processes and challenges.

How long does it take to complete the survey?

We would kindly ask you to dedicate 30-45 minutes of your time to respond to the questions.

Do you have any additional question?

For any additional question feel free to contact the Eurosif team at

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