AI, Climate and Finance

On April 28, Swesif held a webinar on Artificial intelligence (AI) and how AI can contribute to tools for the finance sector, addressing the many dimensions of sustainability challenges, and in particular climate. What opportunities are on the horizon? Are there pitfalls? And what about ethical considerations?

Watch the video to take part of the presentations and discussions with Erik Wilson, Project Manager, AI Sweden and Victor Galaz Deputy Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre, with Salla Franzén, Chief Data Scientist, SEB Group and with Nataliya Tkachenko, researcher at the Turing Institute moderated by Emma Henningsson, Engagement Manager, Sustainalytics.

If you want to take the opportunity to join a roundtable to discuss this topic further, identifying clear needs and next steps with AI Sweden, Stockholm Resilience Center and RISE, click here.

Interesting links:

AI in the service of the climate produced by AI Sweden, RISE and Stockholm Resilience Center

New rules for AI from the EU Commission, April 21

Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI from the EU Commission

The European AI Alliance

The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program
– Humanities and Society (WASP-HS)

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