Swesif Tipsar
Swesif Tipsar: UN PRI Initiative – Advance
The PRI is launching a new stewardship initiative where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Advance is a new stewardship initiative, where institutional investors will work together to take action on human rights and social issues. Investors will use their collective influence with companies and other decision-makers […]
Tips från Eurosif: 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance
Invitation to attend the 4th Summer School on Sustainable Finance, organized by the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission. This hybrid event will be taking place in Ispra, Italy on the 7th and 8th of July 2022. The agenda is not yet available, but all participants can expect to attend both academic sessions […]
Swesif tipsar: Misum panel: The future of impact investing
Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Sveavägen 65, Stockholm, SverigeOBS: Anmälan är tyvärr full. Misum utreder frågan om det är möjligt att delta digitalt. Sidan uppdateras så fort ny information kommer (uppdaterades senast 22-10-25) Join the Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets (Misum) for a breakfast panel conversation on the growing field of impact investing. Professor Bo Becker together with experts from the finance and […]
Swesif tipsar: Sustainable Finance in an Unstable World
Norrsken House Birger Jarlsgatan 57 C, StockholmWelcome to the Roundtable Welcome to Forever’s Roundtable focusing on sustainable finance in an unstable world. In this event we present the most recent research in the field and a distinguished panel of experts discuss the future of ESG in light of the recent geopolitical and economic turbulence. The event is hybrid and attendees at […]
Swesif tipsar: Frukostseminarium om Sociala Obligationer och Social Hållbarhet
PwC och Nasdaq bjuder in till frukostseminarium om Sociala Obligationer och Social Hållbarhet den 23 mars "Det sociala är snart lika viktigt som det gröna för en hållbar finansbransch" PwC och Nasdaq bjuder in till frukostseminarium om S:et i ESG och vad social hållbarhet betyder för den svenska finansbranschen. Hur påverkar social hållbarhet den svenska […]
Swesif tipsar: SFL Partner Day
Nasdaq Tullvaktsvägen 15, StockholmWelcome to a full-day event focusing on Sustainable Finance. SFL will highlight some of the initiatives and activities that are taking place in SFL. Equally important, SFL invites partners to network and engage with SFL and other participants. Join SFL during the day, share your thoughts, and contribute to SFL:s future agenda. Program 9:30-9:50 Doors […]
Swesif Tipsar: MISTRA Biopath Survey
You are invited to respond to a survey on biodiversity and financial-decision making conducted by Lund University in Sweden and the research programme BIOPATH (Pathways for an efficient alignment of the Financial System with the needs of Biodiversity). This survey includes five sections. The aim is to gain insights into how your organisation integrate biodiversity in […]
Swesif tipsar: Unique insights from our latest Children’s Rights & Business Benchmark
Global Child Forum is hosting a webinar about Examining the State of Children’s Rights & Business in 2023, a digital discussion on the findings and key issues raised in our Global Benchmark Report 2023, a report by Global Child Forum and Boston Consulting Group. The 2023 report covers an unprecedented 1,108 companies, distributed across eight sectors and […]
Swesif tipsar: Navigating the Green Maze
SFL is hosting a seminar lead by PhD Student Ida Ayu Agung Faradynawati on the topic of: Navigating the Green Maze: How the Multifaceted Impact of Literacy Shapes Consumers’ Understanding of Sustainable Mutual Funds. To facilitate investors in making informed sustainable investment choices, the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) has introduced a labeling system […]
Swesif Tipsar: Nytt globalt ramverk för naturrelaterade finansiella risker
Den 18 september släppte Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) sitt ramverk som hjälper företag och finansiella aktörer att mäta och rapportera risker, möjligheter, påverkan och beroenden av naturen. Redan före lanseringen har engagemanget varit stort bland företag och finansiella aktörer världen över. Men hur ser TNFDs rekommendationer ut? Vad innebär de för näringslivet och den finansiella […]