
  1. Evenemang
  2. Seminarium


Evenemang vynavigering


Framtidens mat

Framtidens mat Utmaningar inom klimat och biologisk mångfald ställer frågan om vårt nuvarande livsmedelssystem på sin spets. För att möta utmaningarna behöver produktion och konsumtion av mat förändras i grunden. Vilka är problemen och utmaningarna? Vilka konsumentbeteenden kan främjas? Och hur kan hållbara investeringar förflytta oss i rätt riktning? Varmt välkommen på Mistra och Swesifs […]

Data Providers and the Taxonomy


Welcome to a Swesif webinar on data providers and the taxonomy. Four global data providers who have a local presence in Sweden will give short presentations of the solutions they have developed to fulfil clients' needs related to the new EU taxonomy. This will be followed by a moderated discussion where participants will have the […]

NordicSIF 2021


Timber! Green, Brown or Something in Between? NordicSIFs will meet this year around Forest theme. Before we wander off into the woods we start with the presentations by the NordicSIF chairpersons. NordicSIFs are at the forefront of sustainable investing globally and we are happy to share the updates on current activities across Nordic countries. Nordic […]

Nordic Sustainable Investment Forum webinar


The role of the Nordic SIFs in the next decade The Nordic SIFs have been in the forefront of ESG development. Now that sustainability is a household/buzz word it might be a good time to reflect what should the Nordic SIF focus on in the future? This webinar is part of Finsif 10-year celebration. We […]

China’s Carbon Neutrality Target and Responsible Investment Trends and an introduction to China SIF


Learn more about China’s Carbon Neutrality Target and current Responsible Investment Trends in Asia and China Markets, as well as an introduction to China SIF from its Chairman who beside many other responsibilities, also advises the UNEP FI’s work in China. Two local experienced investment professionals promoting responsible investments will give their view on current […]

How can investors be ambassadors for water?

In 2019 a project between Swesif and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) was initiated to create a framework that helps members understand water-related risks better in connection with investments, a way to handle corporate governance issues around water more qualitatively and a guide to various types of useful tools around the global water issue […]

Biodiversity and Finance – Why and What?


In this first Swesif webinar on Biodiversity and Finance the focus will be on ‘Why’ and ‘What’. A thorough introduction on what the science tells us about the importance of biodiversity and its role for the real economy as well as investors and shorter statements to highlight ongoing and emerging initiatives to address the biodiversity […]

Eurosif of 2021 – ”Focus is on Implementation”


“Today we have reached the regulatory environment that we used to lobby for”, says Will Oulton, President of Eurosif. “Now the greatest challenge is implementation and that is what we focus on. We want to be the constructive, critical voice on behalf of the financial industry in Europe”. With Swesif now being an observer in […]

Biodiversity and Finance – How?


In this second Swesif webinar on Biodiversity and Finance the focus will be on ‘How’. The webinar will be kicked off by a set of presentations which showcase current services aiming to address the biodiversity issue in the financial sector. After these presentations invited experts will be asked to comment on these tools, with special […]

Välkommen att lära mer om Swesif – Ny som gammal medlem


Välkomna alla medlemmar i Swesif till ett webbinarium där vi kommer att berätta om allt spännande som händer på Swesif som tex Vad händer med Hållbarhetsprofilen? Vilket värde kan Eurosif tillföra dig som medlem? Hur kan du som medlem engagera dig? Vilka projekt driver Swesif? Det kommer att finnas utrymme för frågor och synpunkter. Presentationen […]