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The EU taxonomy from a user’s perspective
1 oktober 2020 @ 10:00 - 11:30 CEST
The final TEG proposal on the EU Green Taxonomy focuses specifically on usability. Many of us have already reflected on the implications of the EU taxonomy in our daily work as analyst or portfolio manager but many questions remain.
What are the implications for companies? Will the taxonomy become a burden or, instead, a useful tool to communicate with the market?
Swesif welcomes you to a seminar on the practical implementation of the EU’s green taxonomy.
Come and listen to Andreas Barkman from the EEA and member of the TEG taxonomy group, who will describe how users and usability were taken into consideration when the TEGs final report was developed. Andreas will also take the opportunity to talk about The Platform on Sustainable Finance, an advisory body which will be formed by the European Commission this autumn to further develop the work on the taxonomy, among other tasks.
Marco Kisic will also take part in the webinar. He is currently Head of ESG Research at Nordea Capital Markets, one of the pioneers in implementing the taxonomy as an analytical framework.
Thomas Hörnfeldt, Sustainability Manager at SSAB, will share his company’s own progress on the journey of integrating the taxonomy from a reporting perspective.
Anita Lindberg, Senior ESG Analyst at Skandia Asset Management and former chair of Swesif draws on her experiences and queries to moderate the discussions.
This virtual event will be held in English and is reserved to Swesif members as well as members of the Norsif, Dansif, Finsif and the Icelandic SIF. More information about the virtual platform will be communicated shortly before the event to the participants who have registered.
- Datum:
- 1 oktober 2020
- Tid:
10:00 - 11:30 CEST
- Evenemang Kategori:
- Seminarium
- Evenemang Taggar:
- Andreas Barkman, EEA, European Commission, Marco Kisic, Nordea Capital Markets, SSAB, taxonomi, Taxonomy, The Platform on Sustainable Finance, Thomas Hörnfeldt