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Nordic SIF-meeting in Stockholm 2019 – Exploring the Frontier
7 november 2019 - 8 november 2019

Swesif has the pleasure of inviting members of all the Nordic sustainable investment forums to Stockholm for the annual Nordic SIF-meeting on the theme “Exploring the Frontier”.
On the first day the conference will revolve around three themes:
- Catching up with the long term perspectives
- Engagement for real change
- Accelerating sustainable investments through emerging technologies
Each dimension will be discussed by an inspiring speaker in the morning and followed by a workshop. The workshops will be held as parallel sessions during the afternoon. The main purpose of the workshops is to investigate possibilities for action and further collaboration.
Read more about the subjects and workshops here.
The second day of the conference will focus on current priorities, interesting initiatives and activities of all the Nordic SIF-organisations as well as possible areas for collaboration.
Dates: 7th and 8th of November 2019.
Venue: Skandia, Lindhagensgatan 86, Stockholm. Click here for map. Closest tube station is Thorildsplan.
Dinner: After the event on the 7th, there will be a joint dinner. The dinner will be held at Moderna Museet, Exercisplan 4, Stockholm. Click here for map. Dinner will be at the participants own expense.
Registration: Please register by filling out the form further below, no later than 25th of October (extended deadline from 18th of October).
Please note: This meeting is open for Swesif, Dansif, Finsif, Iceland SIF and Norsif members only.
Accommodation: Our suggestions close to the event location.
Cortyard by Mariott, Kungsholmen
First Hotel Fridhemsplan, Kungsholmen
Clarion Hotel Amaranten, Kungsholmen
Scandic Alvik, Alvik
DAY 1 – Thursday 7th of November, 9.30 am – 17.00 pm
9.30: Coffee and registration
10.00 – 10.15: Welcome and introduction – Anita Lindberg, Chairman of Swesif and Johan Florén, AP7, moderator
10.15 – 10.45: Keynote #1: Catching up with the long-term perspectives: How do we shift the conversation? – Robert Eccles, University of Oxford
10.50 – 11.20: Keynote #2: Engagement for real change: Are we awakening the sleeping giants? The role of financial institutions for forest wildfires and climate stability – Dr. Victor Galaz, Stockholm Resilience Centre
11.25 – 11:55: Keynote #3: Accelerating sustainable investments through emerging technologies: How fintech innovations and digitalization help scale sustainable investments – Cecilia Repinski, Stockholm Green Digital Finance (SGDF)
Read more about the keynote presentations here.
12.00 – 12.05: Practical information about the afternoon’s parallel sessions
12.05 – 13.15: Lunch
13.15 – 15.45: Parallel workshops on the different themes and presentations from the morning.
Workshop #1: Catching up with the long term perspectives: Shifting away from undue short-termism – from the trading floors to the board rooms – Bob Eccles, Anita Lindberg and Gregor Vulturius
Workshop #2: Engagement for real change: How do we make impact as active owners? – Dr. Emma Sjöström and Dr. Beatrice Crona
Workshop #3: Digital innovation for responsible investments – Harald Lund, CEO, CICERO Shades of Green and from Stockholm Green Digital Finance; Thomas Barker, Senior Blockchain Expert & Advisor, Cecilia Repinski, CEO and Linn Ternsjö, Project Coordinator.
PART 1: Exploring blockchain and digitalization in the context of sustainable investment
PART 2: Pre-launch demonstration, and testing, of the Green Assets Wallet
Please note: You choose one of the three workshops in the registration form below. Read more about the workshops here.
15.45 – 16.30: Panel discussions concluding the workshops – Speakers: Workshop hosts and moderator Johan Florén, AP7
16.30: Closing remarks
17.30: Reception – Drinks and snacks will be served (on behalf of Swesif). Venue; Skandia, Lindhagensgatan 86.
18:30 – 23:30: Joint dinner at Moderna Museet, Exercisplan 4, Stockholm. Click here for map. Dinner will be at the participants own expense.
DAY 2 – Friday 8th of November, 9.00 am – 12.00 am
9.00 – 9.10: Welcome – Anita Lindberg
9.10 – 11.00: Presentation by all the Nordic SIFs – Interesting activities and initiatives, current trends and challenges in the SIFs.
11.00 – 11.45: ”Wrapping up” – Conversation between the SIF representatives on their specific market’s trends and conditions, main takeaways and reflections from the conference and possible next steps.
11.45 – 12.00: Closing remarks
12.00: Lunch ” to go”