- Detta evenemang har redan ägt rum.
31 maj 2021 @ 13:30 - 15:00 CEST
Alongside growing recognition of materiality (regarding risk and returns), client demand and regulation, technology is one of the key drivers of developments in ESG investing.
This webinar explores the technology dimension of ESG from both the supply- and the demand-side, that is, both from the point of view of providers of technological solutions and from the point of view of the proposed users of such solutions.
The webinar provides an opportunity to discuss the technological status quo and future expectations among ESG professionals. How can new technological solutions contribute to strengthening processes and decision-making in ESG? And what are the limits to technology in regard to ESG and sustainability efforts more broadly? These are some of the questions that will be addressed during the webinar.
Camilla Kampmann, Associate Partner, Sustainability Services, IBM Global Business Services
Ole Buhl, Head of ESG, Senior Vice President – Investments, ATP
Steen Vallentin, Dep. of Management, Society and Communication, CBS
Please register here
The webinar is presented by the new ESG Academic Practitioner Network out of CBS in collaboration with Dansif. Members of the Nordic SIFs are invited.
The presentations will be in English and will be held via Teams.