What Will the New European Parliament do to Sustainable Finance?

Although the EU’s political landscape may appear unchanged following last weekend’s general rejection of extreme right-wing eurosceptic and climate sceptic parties at the European...

EU Supervisors’ Final Word on Greenwashing

n May 2022 the European Commission (EC) asked the three European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) to help define and address greenwashing in the financial markets....

Nordic Investors Reiterate Support for Climate Action 100+

The first quarter of 2024 was marked by a number of prominent departures by US investors from Climate Action 100+, including JP Morgan Asset...

What Will the New European Parliament do to Sustainable Finance? Kopiera

Although the EU’s political landscape may appear unchanged following last weekend’s general rejection of extreme right-wing eurosceptic and climate sceptic parties at the European...

What Will the New European Parliament do to Sustainable Finance?

Although the EU’s political landscape may appear unchanged following last weekend’s general rejection of extreme right-wing eurosceptic and climate sceptic parties at the European...

EU Supervisors’ Final Word on Greenwashing

n May 2022 the European Commission (EC) asked the three European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) to help define and address greenwashing in the financial markets....

Nordic Investors Reiterate Support for Climate Action 100+

The first quarter of 2024 was marked by a number of prominent departures by US investors from Climate Action 100+, including JP Morgan Asset...

Swesif members have the opportunity to get involved in the forum's research and development projects. At present, Swesif focuses on two different areas. If you would like to participate, please register your interest below.

Sustainability Declaration (Hållbarhetsprofilen)

Sustainability Education

What Will the New European Parliament do to Sustainable Finance? Kopiera

Although the EU’s political landscape may appear unchanged following last weekend’s general rejection of extreme right-wing eurosceptic and climate sceptic parties at the European...

What Will the New European Parliament do to Sustainable Finance?

Although the EU’s political landscape may appear unchanged following last weekend’s general rejection of extreme right-wing eurosceptic and climate sceptic parties at the European...

EU Supervisors’ Final Word on Greenwashing

n May 2022 the European Commission (EC) asked the three European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) to help define and address greenwashing in the financial markets....


Swesif has joined Eurosif in an observer role with the aim of evaluating full membership in 2022. As an observer, Swesif gets to share events and news about Eurosif with its members. We also have the opportunity to participate in Eurosif's working groups.

If you want to get involved in one of the working groups, please register your interest here.



Sweden's Sustainable Investment Forum (Swesif) is an interest forum that aims to spread and increase knowledge about investments for sustainable development. Our members are primarily capital owners and capital managers. We also offer an associate membership for actors who promote Swesif's purpose in their activities.